AM ( Ref: SC052 )
Overall length:
cm ( in.)
Overall width:
8 cm (3 in.)
Overall height:
12 cm (5 in.)
520 g
Materials: brass
Antique Pocket Watch.
Victorian engineers loved to tinker with design, and make things look interesting and especially larger then life.
A pocket watch transformed into a desk watch, convex optical glass magnifiers showing an enlarged dial and hands.
Not exactly a travel watch this one, more desk bound, an object that delights with its translation of form.
Victorian clock combines various time zones to function as a richly nostalgic, gracious world time clock.
Aged dial in front, antique compass rose card in back (easy to exchange for a picture).
Convex glass magnifiers on both sides.
Attention to detail, historical interest, authentic materials characterize this very fine antique pocket watch made by AM, world-renowned for its museum quality reproductions.