AM ( Ref: SC051 )
Overall length:
cm ( in.)
Overall width:
5 cm (2 in.)
Overall height:
8 cm (3 in.)
200 g
Materials: metal (nickel-plated)
Antique Pocket Watch.
The hero of our story is an anonymous watchmaker in Regency London.
Trying to combine a travel clock that needs to be small while easy to read…
The époque was candle light …
Little would he know that his spherical antique pocket watch would be a highly collectable treasure.
In times of need the lenses doubled to read maps and light the safari-cooking fire.
Black dial in front, compass rose card in back (easy to exchange for a picture).
Convex glass magnifiers on both sides.
Attention to detail, historical interest, authentic materials characterize this very fine antique pocket watch made by AM, world-renowned for its museum quality reproductions.